Lincolns first word was "no"! He doesn't understand what he is saying, he just likes to mimic us! It was amazing the first day he said it! I had just taken him away from the dog food for the umpteenth time saying "no,no,no lincoln!" and put him into the living room. He crawled all the way through the living room, through the dining room, and through the kitchen into the foyer. Once he got within site of the dog food he crawled towards it saying "no,no,no,no,no". It was priceless! He hasn't really said it since though. He mostly like to say "doubledo!" and "doh" and sometimes he tries to say "keys".
He still isn't walking - but loves to walk behind his walker. It will be any day now.
There is this one thing he loves to do, that I find weird, but maybe its a common baby thing. He loves to put things around his neck! Anything he finds that is long, like a necklace, a piece of rope, a belt, sunglasses, he has to put it around the back of his neck and then crawl around with it there!
As well he still loves to put things in his mouth! everything goes in the mouth! Yesterday i was making supper and had the potatos out, he got into the bag and bit little pieces off the potatos. Then he went to his diaper bag, found a pear I had in there from his daycare, and ate almost the whole thing, skin and all! Daily, i would even say hourly, I say to him "Lincoln, what is in your mouth?" "Can mommy have it?" Sometimes he gladly shows me, and pulls it out, whether it be paper, dog food, anything really that fits in there. Other times he gives me a grin and crawls away as fast as possible, leaving me chasing behind and trying to pry his jaws open to do the 'sweep'! The other week Stephen was 'watching' him, and had noticed Linc was no longer in the living room with him and that, more importantly, it was quiet. Stephen found him in the kitchen with a package of gum and his cheeks stuffed. Stephen proceeded to pull the pieces out 1,2,3,4,5,6. He goes back to the living room and realizes it is still quiet, he goes back to Linc, checks for more gum hidden in his mouth. Pieces 7 & 8 are removed. He checks one last time to be sure and piece 9 is found. Lincoln at this point bursts into tears!
The other week I was grocery shopping and putting all the veggies right behind Linc. At some point Linc decided to grab the green onions and play with them. Of course he put them in his mouth, even though they were in a little bag. apparently they tasted good because he sucked on those onions for the whole entire grocery trip! People thought it was so odd that he liked them! He breath smelt like onions after that!
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