Lincoln is incredible, as usual. His latest little game he likes to play is when we are driving in the car. It usually starts when we are stopped at a red light. I hear a little voice pipes up from the back seat, "Go!" I turn around quickly to be met with a twinkle in his eyes, this unexplainable grin on his face - an all over smirk. I say, " Hey Monkey - I can't! The light is red!!" To which he replies, "GO!" Again, "But I can't!!! The light is red! Once it turns green I can go!" To which again comes the enthuisastic "GO! GO! GO!" usually followed by some giggles. We do this back and forth, each time getting louder and more dramatic in our replies. And then the light turns green, and I say "There! Now I can go!" And then it is silent in the backseat.
Until the next red light, or the next time I slow down to take a corner, or until he decides I am simply not driving fast enough!
He's only 20 months and already a backseat driver!