Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Today I don't like being pregnant.

My feet and legs are so swollen I look like an 80 year old with a severe case of Toxemia.

My right hand is killing me, because in the last week I have developed Carpal tunnel because of my swelling.

I dread going to bed tonight because my back hurts so much by the end of the day when I wake up in the middle of the night it takes minutes for me to coach myself to flip over and somehow pull my 160lb up so I can go to the bathroom, for the 3rd time. It hurts so bad some nights.

Lately my braxton hicks contractions have been getting stronger. I don't think this is necessary. Unless my body is actually going to have this baby, I don't want any unnecessary practice!

I am supposed to sit forward as much as possible because my dear little peanut is laying with its back against my back, which cause back labour. But I am also supposed to sit with my feet elevated as much as possible. Will someone please tell me how I am supposed to do both?

Peanut, you are worn out your welcome! Mommy wants her body back, please come out!

1 comment:

hayes said...

You're not pregnant anymore! Yippie! Now you can hold peanut in your arms and not between your ribs.