Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Linc's First Hair cut

Well after being asked if Linc was a boy or a girl one too many times, we decided to get his hair cut. I loved his long blonde hair, but it was getting to be too much. Linc did great - sat so well and didn't cry or make strange. The lady we went to was brilliant and really understood toddlers and just going with the flow! He looks even more like Stephen now, and definitely less like a baby :(. He is growing up so fast!

These boots were made for walkin....

Lincoln took his first steps on July 2nd and started walking on July 3rd! I wasn't there for the first steps - Stephen told me proudly that Lincoln had accomplished this small feet after I returned home from shopping while in Florida. The next day we were in the living room of the beach house and I hear Stephen say, "Lincoln took a step!" "Two steps, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!" I ran over and caught the last bunch of them - and they were AMAZING! He spent the rest of the afternoon taking a few steps, falling on his bum, standing up, falling down, standing up, taking a few more steps, falling down! It was brilliant! We were able to get the second time he walked on video - I am so glad we have that memory forever on tape, it is incredible.
Now its about 3 weeks later and he is motorin - walking every where he goes. He either toddlers, or toddlers quickly! It is darling! He is so proud of himself!