Wow I can't believe Jackson is going to be 10 months in one short week! I better start planning a 1st birthday party to end all birthday parties! Here are some of the amazing things Jackson boy (what I affectionately call him) does at almost 10 months:
1.Wave bye - ok this is a big deal, and he just started doing it this last week. I don't remember Lincoln ever really doing it, so it excites me to no end when Jack so eagerly does it!
2. Still army crawls - yup thats right, still! He just does not want to get up on all fours. But you know, its working for him. He can get around like its no body's business. So if its not broke, why fix it?
3. Loves to climb - which delights Stephen to no end! Jackson is going to be our adventurous, probably end up giving me several heart aches, boy. This boy lives on our fireplace mantle, which is about 8 inches off the ground. Up and down all day. Over the bottom of the coffee table, over the legs of his high chair. Yup, this kid loves to climb!
4.Tells tall tales - oh my, Jackson is one animated talker! His little arms get flapping and he furrows that brow and on with the story! He was telling my grandparents a story the other day when they were over, and my grandmother is convinced he is going to be a preacher! Pentecostal for sure the way he was moving those hands!
5. Finally sleeping in his own crib in his own room! Jackson slept with us until earlier this month, so until he was nine months old. I enjoyed every minute of it, but felt that he was starting to wake up more than necessary simply because I was right beside him. So we started to transition him, and he did beautifully! By the second day I could lay him awake in his crib and he would fall asleep on his own for his nap. Nights have been a lot harder, but the last few he has been waking up only once to nurse, so I am thrilled. And very much enjoying having my bed back!
6. Still only 2 teeth. Each time Jack gets cranky or has a hard night I am convinced he is teething, and he could be, but alas no new teeth have popped through in 4 months!
7. Peek-a-boo - Jack is an awesome peek-a-boo player. He probably peeks at a 12 month level.
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