We finally got to see our dear Beanie's face yesterday at our ultra sound. It was miraculous and incredible. The technology now a days really does amaze me! To be able to watch my baby bat at my womb like a cat, then suck its thumb, and then give a few good punches does nothing less than amaze and bond you with your baby! The ultrasound tech we had was awesome - best experience I've had so far! It took an hour, which usually it only takes 30 mins, but Beanie was so active she was having troubles getting all the proper measurements and pictures she needed! I'm not complaining too much though, besides the massive discomfort of my bladder being overly full and then having someone push and prod on my full bladder for an hour, I got to see lots of different angles and movements and parts of my dear little baby!
I was shocked at how much the baby moved! Amazing, I still barely feel anything, but I am a little scared for how much I will feel once the baby gets bigger. At one point Beanie pulled its legs right up to its chest and then WHAM right into the uterus wall! It was so cool to watch! The baby even waved at us - I remember Lincoln did that as well, its so cool! They are like "hey mom and dad, nice to finally see you!"
We didn't find out what we were having. Stephen, of course, wanted to during the middle of it, but the Hospital couldn't tell us even if we did change our minds. I was glad, I love the surprise at birth!
And according to one of the pictures - this baby has my nose! We will see when they are born if it still looks the same.
Over all our baby is 'lovely' (according to our ultra sound tech anyways) and all the right parts and pieces are there and running smoothly! Horray!!!