The week I finally figured out I was pregnant was an interesting one.
It started out by me having a dream. Someone; I think God, said to me clear as day "Cher, you are pregnant." When I woke up the next morning I didn't remember the dream right away. I noticed I wasn't feeling that great, fairly nauseas, and then *WHAM* the dream hit me like a wave, and I stood in the kitchen processing. I chalked it up to some crazy dream, stopped to get some ginger ale on the way to work and went on with my week. But my nausea didn't go away. It was Saturday, and I was in Winners with my older brother Chris, feeling sick and tired and I thought, "This is ridiculous, I guess I will just take the darn test so I can start ruling out why I am not feeling well" So my brother dropped me off, I went to the store and picked up a magic stick that if I pee on will tell me if I have a human being living inside of me.
I finally decided to take the test later in the afternoon. It wasn't an easy decision. Stephen and I had wanted to get pregnant for about the last 2 years. Several times I was sure I was pregnant, only to pee on the magic stick and it flash NEGATIVE in my face. There would be times I would start 'feeling' nauseas and tired, and would convince myself I was pregnant because I desperately wanted to be. This time, I didn't even tell Stephen I was taking the test. I was sure that I wasn’t, and just wanted to rule that out a possibility. In the event that I was, I need to start treating my body different.
I go down to our bathroom, and do one of the most nerve wracking things a women ever have to do. I take the test. Making sure to follow all the rules exactly (if you have ever taken one, you know how complicated peeing on the stick is). I left the bathroom for the allotted amount of time, came back, picked up the stick, carefully mind you as I had just peed on it, and was a little more than surprised to see 1.5 lines. 1 line means you fail, 2 lines mean you pass. What in the world does 1.5 lines mean, I thought to myself. I frantically open up the little instruction manual and re-read the whole thing, until I come to the part where it says "If you see any part of line 2, the test is positive".
Wow. Ok. I pick up my magic stick, I pick up the instruction book, I slowly walk up the stairs, and outside to where Stephen was working. I didn’t run. I didn't plan anything creative. I was so taken off guard; I just walked, staring at the test in disbelief. I show the magic stick to my husband, he looks at it and says "What does this mean?” So I show him the part in the instructions about the 1.5 lines and say "I think it means we are pregnant." He just stared at me, emotionless. We go inside the house, sit down and I ask him what he thinks. "I don't want to get my hopes up". I understand. We had miscarried our first baby about 3 years earlier. It was a very hard time for us, and didn't want to go through having to tell everyone again that we had lost another baby.
But not getting excited wasn't so simple for me. Whether we lost this baby or not, it was still my baby. We decide to not tell our family until I went to see my Dr. and then no one else until we had hit the 12 week mark. I couldn't get in until Tuesday, which was 4 days of waiting, hoping, not knowing.
Tuesday finally comes, I go see my Dr, and this time I get to pee in a magic cup. Well the cup isn't so magically, so much as the poor lab technicians who have to processes my pee are. I tell my Dr. my suspicions, we talk about my last 'dates', my previous complications and she tells me that I am 9.5 weeks pregnant. I was floored! I was that far along? We had miscarried our last baby at 10 weeks, so to know that we were quite far a long was very encouraging. I tell Stephen and he can't believe it either! We go back to work elated.
I call a 'meeting' with my dad and mom, who are CEO and Director of Administration at Siloam where we both work. We were very serious going into the meeting. I tell them I got another job. Something I had been looking into for a long time, and I had finally got a position. My dad, in classic dad fashion, is very encouraging, thinks this great! My mom, I could tell was not as excited, but supportive. Finally my dad asks me what I will be doing. "Well, it doesn't start until the end of March. And it will involve a lot of long nights, mostly staying at home, changing diapers..." I can see the lights go on in my moms eyes; she breaks out into this huge smile. My dad, not so quick. My mom says "Are you having a baby?" "Yes!!!," we finally get to reply. So we hugged, my mom and I squealed, it was awesome.
We told Stephens family the same way, but over the phone. His mom was awesome. She got real quiet when I started explaining my new 'job', and quietly said "Cher, are you pregnant?" It was great. We called Stephen's brother and his wife next, who live in Kansas. Nina's reaction was the best one I got! When we told them she started screaming, I don't think anyone was happier for us!
I told my best friend Ash by inviting her over one evening. Stephen was going to take a picture of us, but the whole time we were posing he was actually video taping. Unfortunately we didn't know that the sound wasn't on our camera, so we only got the video, no conversation. Ashley and I had booked a trip to Cuba together to happen in Oct., so I casually said "Oh, by the way, when we are in Cuba I will be in my 2nd Trimester." It took her a second, but she jumped up and hugged me then said, "You lied to me!" Her and my mom both suggested I was pregnant when I was nauseas for over a week. I lied to them both and told them I took and test and it was negative, when really it was positive.
I told Cam the same way I told Ash. And I told Chris by sending him a card that said "You suck" on the front, and then on the inside "at being an Uncle, get it together by March 30th" I attached a soother. And the rest is history...
It started out by me having a dream. Someone; I think God, said to me clear as day "Cher, you are pregnant." When I woke up the next morning I didn't remember the dream right away. I noticed I wasn't feeling that great, fairly nauseas, and then *WHAM* the dream hit me like a wave, and I stood in the kitchen processing. I chalked it up to some crazy dream, stopped to get some ginger ale on the way to work and went on with my week. But my nausea didn't go away. It was Saturday, and I was in Winners with my older brother Chris, feeling sick and tired and I thought, "This is ridiculous, I guess I will just take the darn test so I can start ruling out why I am not feeling well" So my brother dropped me off, I went to the store and picked up a magic stick that if I pee on will tell me if I have a human being living inside of me.
I finally decided to take the test later in the afternoon. It wasn't an easy decision. Stephen and I had wanted to get pregnant for about the last 2 years. Several times I was sure I was pregnant, only to pee on the magic stick and it flash NEGATIVE in my face. There would be times I would start 'feeling' nauseas and tired, and would convince myself I was pregnant because I desperately wanted to be. This time, I didn't even tell Stephen I was taking the test. I was sure that I wasn’t, and just wanted to rule that out a possibility. In the event that I was, I need to start treating my body different.
I go down to our bathroom, and do one of the most nerve wracking things a women ever have to do. I take the test. Making sure to follow all the rules exactly (if you have ever taken one, you know how complicated peeing on the stick is). I left the bathroom for the allotted amount of time, came back, picked up the stick, carefully mind you as I had just peed on it, and was a little more than surprised to see 1.5 lines. 1 line means you fail, 2 lines mean you pass. What in the world does 1.5 lines mean, I thought to myself. I frantically open up the little instruction manual and re-read the whole thing, until I come to the part where it says "If you see any part of line 2, the test is positive".
Wow. Ok. I pick up my magic stick, I pick up the instruction book, I slowly walk up the stairs, and outside to where Stephen was working. I didn’t run. I didn't plan anything creative. I was so taken off guard; I just walked, staring at the test in disbelief. I show the magic stick to my husband, he looks at it and says "What does this mean?” So I show him the part in the instructions about the 1.5 lines and say "I think it means we are pregnant." He just stared at me, emotionless. We go inside the house, sit down and I ask him what he thinks. "I don't want to get my hopes up". I understand. We had miscarried our first baby about 3 years earlier. It was a very hard time for us, and didn't want to go through having to tell everyone again that we had lost another baby.
But not getting excited wasn't so simple for me. Whether we lost this baby or not, it was still my baby. We decide to not tell our family until I went to see my Dr. and then no one else until we had hit the 12 week mark. I couldn't get in until Tuesday, which was 4 days of waiting, hoping, not knowing.
Tuesday finally comes, I go see my Dr, and this time I get to pee in a magic cup. Well the cup isn't so magically, so much as the poor lab technicians who have to processes my pee are. I tell my Dr. my suspicions, we talk about my last 'dates', my previous complications and she tells me that I am 9.5 weeks pregnant. I was floored! I was that far along? We had miscarried our last baby at 10 weeks, so to know that we were quite far a long was very encouraging. I tell Stephen and he can't believe it either! We go back to work elated.
I call a 'meeting' with my dad and mom, who are CEO and Director of Administration at Siloam where we both work. We were very serious going into the meeting. I tell them I got another job. Something I had been looking into for a long time, and I had finally got a position. My dad, in classic dad fashion, is very encouraging, thinks this great! My mom, I could tell was not as excited, but supportive. Finally my dad asks me what I will be doing. "Well, it doesn't start until the end of March. And it will involve a lot of long nights, mostly staying at home, changing diapers..." I can see the lights go on in my moms eyes; she breaks out into this huge smile. My dad, not so quick. My mom says "Are you having a baby?" "Yes!!!," we finally get to reply. So we hugged, my mom and I squealed, it was awesome.
We told Stephens family the same way, but over the phone. His mom was awesome. She got real quiet when I started explaining my new 'job', and quietly said "Cher, are you pregnant?" It was great. We called Stephen's brother and his wife next, who live in Kansas. Nina's reaction was the best one I got! When we told them she started screaming, I don't think anyone was happier for us!
I told my best friend Ash by inviting her over one evening. Stephen was going to take a picture of us, but the whole time we were posing he was actually video taping. Unfortunately we didn't know that the sound wasn't on our camera, so we only got the video, no conversation. Ashley and I had booked a trip to Cuba together to happen in Oct., so I casually said "Oh, by the way, when we are in Cuba I will be in my 2nd Trimester." It took her a second, but she jumped up and hugged me then said, "You lied to me!" Her and my mom both suggested I was pregnant when I was nauseas for over a week. I lied to them both and told them I took and test and it was negative, when really it was positive.
I told Cam the same way I told Ash. And I told Chris by sending him a card that said "You suck" on the front, and then on the inside "at being an Uncle, get it together by March 30th" I attached a soother. And the rest is history...

This was the day we took the test, but didn't tell anyone our results.
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