For the first month, I would change his diaper and without fail he would fill it again within 10 mins! So i would change him again, and once again he would fill it. So i got to the point where, don't tell any other mom's, I wouldn't change him right away. It would have cost us an arm and a leg to see his new trick!
The other day, Jackson is now 2 months old, i was walking around and I kept smelling microwave popcorn. No matter what room i was in I could smell its sweet butteryness. I finally started smelling my clothes, wondering if it was me. I finally figured out it was Jackson - and he had a dirty diaper. A dirty diaper that smelled like microwave popcorn! For the last week its been this way. I smell popcorn, i know its time to change Jackson.
I like this new trick!

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