We have a new home!!!
And we get possesion in 27 days.
We have been living with my grandparents for the last 2 months and are more than ready to be in our own space again. My grandparents have been amazing, and we are so thankful for their hospitality, as it was stressful enough the last two months. I can't imagine doing it living in a hotel, or an RV, or worse - the in-laws! :) (only because their house is full, not because they are hard people to live with!)
It took a long time for us to find a home, we viewed over 20. But our amazing Realtor booked us a showing to the winning house without even telling us. It had just came on that day and was underpriced - so rare in hot market Moose Jaw has. (even though the last 2 months has seen significant declines in purchase, sellers still have not accepted the market is cooling off, and were over pricing, even though homes were not selling.) So we knew we had to move fast. We viewed it twice, and after a few counter offers, we got it!
We are thankful we hit the market at a softer time, got a wonderful home that we won't grow out of anytime soon, and that we can put our magic touch on and make some money on when we do sell.
The Lord has always been faithful when it comes to providing the perfect home for us at the perfect time. And once again He did it!
The things I love about our new home:
*backyard looks over a wheat field - which has a path running along the edge for evening walks.
*the fireplace
*the ensuite bathroom
*closets, closets, and more closets
*BIG bedrooms,
*finished basement with lots of storage room and living space
*little walls that will be perfect for me to finally experiment with bold wallpaper
Friday, August 27, 2010
A New Stage
We have entered a new stage of parenting. Long gone are the days of a pleasant, submissive, low maintenance little boy. Lincoln has begun his journey in what I assume are the terrible two's. Up until now I always thought, "really? what is the big deal with age 2? Why do I see moms snapping on their kids in grocery stores? Why can't they just keep their cool" Now I know. I have entered the club. I understand. And I apologize for judging.
It has only been lately, but i have become weary from parenting. It is 24/7, they are relentless, taking, taking taking. I can't remember the last time I was 100% alone. Unless you count when I ran into Superstore to buy Lincoln some Pedisure because he refuses to eat and only will drink milk. Not even my showers are alone time. I either listne to lincoln bang on the door the whole time, or let him sit in the bathroom and bang on the shower door for half the time.
I feel like I am really being tested as to who I am as a parent. And I have failed miserably on many occasions. I am not used to Lincoln's new whining voice he uses when he wants something when he is over tired. Even thinking about it in my head as I write this causes my blood pressure to slightly rise. How could one simple sound repeated over and over from someone grate you to the core? These last few weeks have been a huge challenge, feeling the growing pains of a new level of parenting.
He doesn't eat. He is sleeping in a big bed now, which means he comes into our room at least 2 times a night wanting me to sleep with him. He gets fixated on a certain toy every few days, and if we can't find it, the world ends. He wants what he wants and he wants it NOW. Never mind if I am in bathroom, trying to eat dinner, or feeding Jackson. (but never all 3 at the same time! My life isn't that crazy!)
I don't not mean to complain, but more to help me process that I am not a horrible mother, simply a mother in process.
That as much as Lincoln is learning everything in life, I am learning what it means to guide, teach, and discipline.
It has only been lately, but i have become weary from parenting. It is 24/7, they are relentless, taking, taking taking. I can't remember the last time I was 100% alone. Unless you count when I ran into Superstore to buy Lincoln some Pedisure because he refuses to eat and only will drink milk. Not even my showers are alone time. I either listne to lincoln bang on the door the whole time, or let him sit in the bathroom and bang on the shower door for half the time.
I feel like I am really being tested as to who I am as a parent. And I have failed miserably on many occasions. I am not used to Lincoln's new whining voice he uses when he wants something when he is over tired. Even thinking about it in my head as I write this causes my blood pressure to slightly rise. How could one simple sound repeated over and over from someone grate you to the core? These last few weeks have been a huge challenge, feeling the growing pains of a new level of parenting.
He doesn't eat. He is sleeping in a big bed now, which means he comes into our room at least 2 times a night wanting me to sleep with him. He gets fixated on a certain toy every few days, and if we can't find it, the world ends. He wants what he wants and he wants it NOW. Never mind if I am in bathroom, trying to eat dinner, or feeding Jackson. (but never all 3 at the same time! My life isn't that crazy!)
I don't not mean to complain, but more to help me process that I am not a horrible mother, simply a mother in process.
That as much as Lincoln is learning everything in life, I am learning what it means to guide, teach, and discipline.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
August 2010
We have been in Moose Jaw now since the end of June. Our house has finally sold. We are hoping to put in a an offer tomorrow on a house that is completely done. Well except landscaping, exterior and basement. But for us, that is pretty much done. We are so anxious to be living on our own again! Since being in Moose Jaw it has been much more trying than we anticipated. Stephen works non-stop, and has only had maybe 3 days off in the last 2 months. Which means I have been parenting 24/7 with few breaks. Mommy is getting a little impatient lately.
Lincoln's vocabulary has exploded this summer, and it is awesome. We have been waiting and waiting for this to happen. Sometimes he comes up with new words we don't know where he learned! He is like a little sponge. He also has become more tantrum prone. Thankfully, when he starts to get frustrated and starts crying and grunting more than communicating I can say, "lincoln, use your words please" And he stops and tells me what he needs. I think being so unsettled this summer and living with different ppl (spending 10 days in florida, then a week at Stephen's parents, then at my grandparents for a week, then back in Winnipeg for a weekend, and then finally at my grandparents again) he is a bit more clingly and likes to know where I am at all times. If he can't find me, I can hear the anxiety level in his voice begin to rise quickly. He also has just begun to cry whenever I leave to do errands or go on a date. Which isn't very often, but the face meltdown and weeping at the door, for a good 10 mins after I leave followed by mopingly walking around the house saying "mommy?" is what happens any time I leave. He also has begun insensately banging on the bathroom door whenever I go in there. Nothing like a relaxing bath with a toddler banging on the door yelling "MOM, SHOWER!" every 30 seconds!
He has started napping on a regular bed, which he loves and is going great. 3 nights ago he said he wanted to sleep all night on the bed, instead of his crib, so I thought that was cool and let him. He fell out twice. Once between the bed and the wall, once between the bed and crib I was using as a make shift rail. He hasn't slept on the bed since!
Jackson has started rolling over back to tummy! he continues to be my happy go lucky guy! He loves to chat and smile and lately we have found a few things that really get him laughing. like gut wrenching laughing, it is awesome! For example, talking to grandpa on skype is hilarious! Also, stephen put him up on his shoulders for the first time, and jack just roared and drooled for the longest time. i think it made him feel powerful! He also has finally been putting weight on his legs, and has come to really enjoy standing. He still sleeps with us. Once we are in our own place i will *think* about letting him sleep in his own crib.
zLinc continues to have a love hate relationship with his brother> but he is slowly coming to liking his brother more than disliking him. I will always remember the day lincoln used the word "back" for the first time. We were sitting at dinner at my grandparents. Stephen was holding Jackson and Lincoln was in his own chair. At some point I began to hold Jackson. Lincoln came over to me and started to stay "Back!"BAck!" After thinking for a while I figured out Lincoln wanted me to give Jackson back to Stephen. How sweet, I thought. As soon as Jackson was gone from my arms Lincoln climbed up onto my lap! He know only uses the word "back" when he wants his brother to be gone from my arms! Lincoln is a sneaky one!
Lincoln's vocabulary has exploded this summer, and it is awesome. We have been waiting and waiting for this to happen. Sometimes he comes up with new words we don't know where he learned! He is like a little sponge. He also has become more tantrum prone. Thankfully, when he starts to get frustrated and starts crying and grunting more than communicating I can say, "lincoln, use your words please" And he stops and tells me what he needs. I think being so unsettled this summer and living with different ppl (spending 10 days in florida, then a week at Stephen's parents, then at my grandparents for a week, then back in Winnipeg for a weekend, and then finally at my grandparents again) he is a bit more clingly and likes to know where I am at all times. If he can't find me, I can hear the anxiety level in his voice begin to rise quickly. He also has just begun to cry whenever I leave to do errands or go on a date. Which isn't very often, but the face meltdown and weeping at the door, for a good 10 mins after I leave followed by mopingly walking around the house saying "mommy?" is what happens any time I leave. He also has begun insensately banging on the bathroom door whenever I go in there. Nothing like a relaxing bath with a toddler banging on the door yelling "MOM, SHOWER!" every 30 seconds!
He has started napping on a regular bed, which he loves and is going great. 3 nights ago he said he wanted to sleep all night on the bed, instead of his crib, so I thought that was cool and let him. He fell out twice. Once between the bed and the wall, once between the bed and crib I was using as a make shift rail. He hasn't slept on the bed since!
Jackson has started rolling over back to tummy! he continues to be my happy go lucky guy! He loves to chat and smile and lately we have found a few things that really get him laughing. like gut wrenching laughing, it is awesome! For example, talking to grandpa on skype is hilarious! Also, stephen put him up on his shoulders for the first time, and jack just roared and drooled for the longest time. i think it made him feel powerful! He also has finally been putting weight on his legs, and has come to really enjoy standing. He still sleeps with us. Once we are in our own place i will *think* about letting him sleep in his own crib.
zLinc continues to have a love hate relationship with his brother> but he is slowly coming to liking his brother more than disliking him. I will always remember the day lincoln used the word "back" for the first time. We were sitting at dinner at my grandparents. Stephen was holding Jackson and Lincoln was in his own chair. At some point I began to hold Jackson. Lincoln came over to me and started to stay "Back!"BAck!" After thinking for a while I figured out Lincoln wanted me to give Jackson back to Stephen. How sweet, I thought. As soon as Jackson was gone from my arms Lincoln climbed up onto my lap! He know only uses the word "back" when he wants his brother to be gone from my arms! Lincoln is a sneaky one!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Summer Days at Grandma's

While we have been in Moose Jaw waiting for our house to sell, my Grandparent's have been gracious enough to let us live with them. I have been enjoying my time with my grandparents a lot. My grandmother has taught me to make bread, and in a few weeks we will be doing chokecherry jelly. The boys and I spend our days usually at the park or playing in the garden. I love watching my grandmother, especially with Jackson. She loves to hold him on her lap while she sits in her lazy boy chair. She is quick to attend to him if he begins to fuss. My grandfather always loves interacting with Lincoln at meal time, and will try to encourage him to eat by saying, "Grandpa sure likes peas!" Sometimes it works. Most times it doesn't. Its been the best situation I could ask for as we sit in transition.
Jack's First Battle Wound

Today was the first day Lincoln hurt Jackson.
While eating with my grandparents Lincoln threw one of his metal toy trucks, and unfortunately hit Jackson scare on his head. Jackson began screaming, so I picked him up to console him, only to watch the little cut get redder and redder. Poor kid. Stephen decided that Lincoln should apologize to Jackson, so he brought him over, instructing him to say sorry. I watched as Lincolns face slowly began to melt and he burst into mournful tears. It was like watching him feel bad for the first time. So Lincoln climbed onto my lap as I consoled him as well as Jackson. Its amazing that my lap is big enough for both of my babies!
Jack's cut is tiny but on the left of his forehead.
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