Life has been speeding by lately. Daily I look at Jackson, and can't believe we are one month from being 6 months old. I am almost brought to tears every time I think about.
Lincon's vocabulary has been exploding! And he has even begun string 2,3 sometimes 4 words together! Everyday something new pops out of his mouth, its incredible. Yesterday, as we were leaving my grandparents, Stephen said, "see ya!" Lincoln piped up, "See ya!" Stephen has also been trying to teach Linc to say "aluminum" it is quite funny. Last night when Lincoln for the first time said "kick", I was so exclaiming to him how proud I was of him. And he got this little smirk on his face, like he was trying to hold in his smile and show that he was proud too. I said to him, "You are just full of new words and you just let one slip it ever now and then!" He gave me another sly smile, like he was say "You have no idea what I could say, I just don't feel like it!" We bought him a soccer ball yesterday and the boys had a great time kicking it around in the basement. Stephen is sure Lincoln is going to be a soccer player.
Unfortunately Lincoln has developed a bad habit I can't wait to break. Lincoln has been sleeping in a big boy bed for about 10 days now. The first night was rough, falling out 3 times! But since then no falls. Oh no, instead he has realized that he can get up at any point, toddle into our room, and request my presence. For the last four nights, about every 2 hours I suddenly am awakened to his little voice, "Come." "Come." Come!" Now, if we were in our own home, I would put him back to bed and break this habit. But we are not, and I don't think its fair to my grandparents to have the endure the crying at 1am, so I follow him. He crawls up onto his bed, snuggles into his pillow and pats the place empty beside him, "Come." he says. I snuggle him a tight as possible and we both drift away. Until I am awaken by hearing Jackson back in my room. So I stumble back, feed jackson, drift away with him in my arms, only to be awoken usually any hour later to Lincoln. requesting the warmth of my presence in his bed again. Stephen feels my frustration, but encourages me to enjoy this little phase. It won't be long until he will no longer want me to cuddle him at all hours of the night.
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