Although business has been slow lately for Stephen, life has been busy for us as a family, and for me personally. On top of babysitting 3 kids twice a week I decided to try my hand at being a Pampered Chef Demonstrator. It has been way more work than I anticipated, but I just had my first show last night and it went great! I look forward to doing a few more before Christmas, and hopefully it will carry into the new year. I also have been designing a new organizational product, but it's still in its baby stage so mum's word. I also started teaching the 2-5yr olds at church. Even though some days my plate is too full, I have been enjoying having a few things to truly call my own, and look forward to a little bit of extra income!
The boys are incredible. Truly. We are so blessed to have 2 obedient, adorable, intelligent boys! In the last few months they have really become friends and even better for me, play mates! Just today I observed Jackson as he carefully pushed his train around the train track. I don't know when he started being able to do that, but it is amazing to watch. They fight, a lot, but nothing outside the normal brotherly spats. I'm not sure how many times a day I yell from a different room "Boys, stop fighting!"
I recently had Jackson at his 18 month immunizations, and to my dismay he had only gained 1 lb in 6months (weighing in at 18lbs). He is our little Jack-Jack, coming in below the 3 percentile. We are going to take him into the Dr to get further testing done, but the Health nurse didn't seem overly concerned. I pray for him every night, that he would start to grow. He weighs as much as his 6month old cousin, Elias! It is a kick having them together.
Lincoln is growing quite a bit lately, I was surprised to put on his size 3 clothing the other day and to find it is getting too small in the arms and the legs! I thought I would get a bit more time out of this size, but hey, that's ok would rather he be growing too much!
Jackson's vocabulary has slowly started to bloom this last month. He likes to say "thank you" which sounds like "day doo". He can say "ko-ko" which is one of the trains on his favorite cartoon, Chuggington. And his Uncle Chris just taught him to say, "Arruga". Another useful word! :) Jackson has no problems saying "mom", in fact he literally yells at me when he wants something, usually in the kitchen. He always starts at a regular volume but quickly escalates into full on yelling, no matter if I am right beside him or not! "Mom. Mom! MOM! MOM!MOM!MOM!" "Jackson! Stop yelling at me!" We have this back and forth several times a day. Probably about 6 weeks ago Jack said his first sentence! We were lying in bed, having morning snuggles, when Stephen came to say goodbye. Jackson took out his soother and said, "Dada go work." Our jaws literally dropped and we didn't say anything because we were so shocked! Then we started laughing, and I said "Yes, Jack! Dada go to work!" And he started smiling so big, so proud that we understood him!
Lincoln is really surprising me lately with how much he is retaining when we read books. Just for kicks one night I started reading part of a sentence but then would pause to see if he could fill it in - and I was shocked when he could, over and over and over again through out the book! Definitely time to start getting some memory versus going!
Jackson loves it when we pray at dinner time, it is so precious. If I am busy dishing up the boy's plates, Jack will sit to the left of me and hold his right hand out on the table until I hold it and we say grace. He always loves to say 'amen!" at the end (even though he can only say 'men' so far). Such a smart little cookie.
We took the boys Trick or Treating this year. I have decided that I love Halloween. I know its a controversial subject within the Christian Community, but you try taking your 3 1/2 year old Optimus Prime and your 1 1/2 year old Turtle from door to door in your community and see if you don't start to love it as well! Lincoln loved it so much, after several houses he would say "Mom, I love trick or treats!" or "Mom, I love you.", as he would snuggle in beside me. He also would say randomly "Mom, I love Nana! (my mom) Nana is so cool and nice!" We had a little incident when we were out. After one house, Lincoln was really excited and said "Oh god! Oh crap!" This had been the first time we have heard Lincoln say oh god. So we both just stopped, and I knelt down and explained to him that we don't ever say that because it makes God and Jesus sad, and it hurts their feelings. But not wanting to come down too hard on him, as Lincoln is a pretty sensitive kid, I said it was ok to say "oh crap" Well after some thought Lincoln turns to me and says "I say oh Crap! That make God happy?"
Jackson lately has taken a real liking to this one cartoon, Chuggington. Its a English train cartoon, and all the trains have these adorable British accents. Thankful it is one of the few cartoons that I can stand! Plus its only 10 minutes long, so I don't mind him watching a few episodes through out the day. He is so precious, when he wants to watch it (which is quite often) he will go find the remote, bring it to me (usually yelling MOM!). And I say, "Jack would like to watch Chuggington?" which is usually met with a grunt - which means yes in Jack Jack. So I say "Say Ko-ko!" And he replies "Ko-KO". So I put it on, and he gets so excited and bounces to the music. It's the only cartoon he will watch, but he sure loves it!
Well, I said I would only blog for 20 minutes, and then I would go to bed, and I am 5 minutes over! So, could life get any sweeter? Even though life is really beautiful right now, I know that yes, it will get sweeter! And that is what is so amazing about life with kids :) (Well, my kids anyways!)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
I have a blog? I HAVE A BLOG!
I have a blog???....... Crap, I HAVE A BLOG! Was exactly my thought process when I was skimming over my FB profile information. So I jumped over and was saddened to see I hadn't posted all summer, 3 months! There has been loads to write about, memories to capture, stories to tell, but I guess I have been too busy living life, but more importantly enjoying life with these boys of mine!
Summer has been busy, gloriously busy! And beautiful, hello! So many days that were 30+ or more, definitely loved it. Wow, not even sure if I can remember what we all did!
Well, summer started with Stephen's brother and his wife and their 3 kids coming from Kansis City.
They were supposed to be staying a month but ended up staying three months! Lincoln really enjoyed having 2 cousins around that he played with frequently. Even though sometimes he really didn't want to go play, so interesting watching different personalities interact and learn to play together!
June was full of celebrations. We celebrated by Grandfather's 77th birthday.
We also celebrated my sister-in-law Elise's graduation, it was great to have the entire Dombowsky Family together for that event!
We also was able to catch the Moose Jaw Parade, as it was going on at the exact same time as the graduation ceremony, and since the ceremony was too boring for the kids, we took them out and watched the parade until it was Aunty Elise's turn to walk across the stage. How great it that!
And then we also celebrated the three youngest Dombowsky kids (Emily, Luke, and Elise) decision to be baptized by water! Oh, and how can I forget that I took Lincoln on his first train ride at the Western Development Museum here in Moose Jaw. Its not a full size train, but he loved it non the less.
Here are a few of my favorite photos from June, since its easier to upload a few photos then to write a whole bunch of pesky words! :) Enjoy!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Jackson, did you know? (@ 15months)
Jackson, did you know that you only allow us to read you one book at night? "Dogs" - it is your favorite, with the big pages and fuzzy dogs through out. We have tried to read other ones to you but you quickly squirm out of Dad's lap and find your book saying "dog, dog" (well maybe not so clear, but we get it!) And you usually like it read twice. Did you also know that you love to drink coffee? It is your favorite, and your dad sneaks it to you often! Whenever we go to starbucks you make sure we are aware of your presences in the back seat until someone has relinquished their frapp to you. You are never eager to surrender it back! You also, at 15 months, have no interest what so ever in walking! We like to stand you against the couch or the coffee table and then step back a few feet and begin to make total fools out of ourselves trying to convince you to walk to us. You think about it, then with your decision made you get this goofy smile on your face, drop to your knees and boogey over as quickly as possible! We quickly place you back, but this time you don't even think about it, your legs just crumble beneath you and away you go. But you know what? We don't mind at all. We love that you are doing things your own way. Your dad looks at you, usually after you have done something very clever, and comments on how smart you are. We are very excited to see where you will go, who you will become. You are a momma's boy through and through. Somedays it can be exhuasting, but most days I revel in it! Whenever we take you to grandma + grandpa dombowsky's, so mom and dad can go on a date, I always return to the news that you did so great. That after 8:30pm (your bed time) you had to be held the whole time, each family member taking a turn. That you worked so hard NOT to cry, even as the evening wore on and you became more and more exhausted. You always hang in there. Such a resilient little guy! You are getting blonder and blonder as the summer goes on. Breaks my heart... well not really, but I was really hoping for a brunette!
Did you know that at 15 months you have the most beautiful eyes? We can't go anywhere without someone commenting on how big they are or blue they are. You are just all around cute!
Did you also know you are very very very patient? In a weird way, I may have your brother to thank for that! He is pretty rough on you, I guess we could call it brotherly love. But you rarely fuss and have yet (even though I know it won't be long) to retaliate.
You also love to go for car rides, especially with your dad. In fact, just a few days ago we were all in the kitchen. Your dad said, "Lincoln I'm going to the bank, would you like to come with me?" You, over hearing this, quickly as your little knees would carry you to your dad, climbed up his legs, pulling at his pants, making a loud protest, "I WANT TO GO!" Is what we were sure you were saying. Well, instead of making your father try to juggle both of you, we all climbed into the jeep, just so you could go along!
We love you dearly Jack, you add so much to our family!
Did you know that at 15 months you have the most beautiful eyes? We can't go anywhere without someone commenting on how big they are or blue they are. You are just all around cute!
Did you also know you are very very very patient? In a weird way, I may have your brother to thank for that! He is pretty rough on you, I guess we could call it brotherly love. But you rarely fuss and have yet (even though I know it won't be long) to retaliate.
You also love to go for car rides, especially with your dad. In fact, just a few days ago we were all in the kitchen. Your dad said, "Lincoln I'm going to the bank, would you like to come with me?" You, over hearing this, quickly as your little knees would carry you to your dad, climbed up his legs, pulling at his pants, making a loud protest, "I WANT TO GO!" Is what we were sure you were saying. Well, instead of making your father try to juggle both of you, we all climbed into the jeep, just so you could go along!
We love you dearly Jack, you add so much to our family!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Jack-Jack's first step-step
It has been a long time coming, but Jackson took his first step tonight! It was a complete step followed by a full body collapse, amazing non the less! He is 14 1/2 months, which is super late for taking steps, standing, walking, all that fun stuff, but we don't mind the least bit. He is just starting to stand (where as his cute little friend Gabby (10mos) has been standing for quite some time!). Lincoln was similar, start walking at 15 months, but within his 3rd time trying he was walking 15 or more steps, so I am sure Jack will be the similar. Jack has also started nodding yes. It really helps in trying to communicate with him, as he doesn't say any words. So knowing he can give me a legit answer with the bobble of his head is awesome. He is still really cuddly and such a momma's boy. He loves to give little hugs, and regularly gives me 2 little pats on my back when I scoop him up out of his crib. He has started to love ice cream, and loudly protests anytime we get ice cream cones and do not hand him his very own. Jack also started climbing up our slide we have in our basement, something that Lincoln just learned to do this year. Jack has a real musical bone in him - he loves music and always bops away and thrashes his hands around to the radio. His favorite toys are our piano table, play guitar and play microphone. He adores them!
Lincoln is doing really well with potty training (finally!). If we are home he is fully trained, even though he gets distracted when playing outside and still has troubles making the dash to the potty! His vocabulary is expanding all the time, forming full sentences! "What are you doing there, daddy?" He just said as he hopped onto the couch to check out what Stephen is playing on the iphone. He has a Dinosaur floor puzzle that he loves and can do all by himself. He doesn't really take interest in counting, or learning how to spell his name, but we still try and pound it into him! He recently has been introduced to 'bad guys' by his cousins ezra and francesca. So now he likes to find his nerf gun and 'kill the bad guys!" so cute. Since Stephen has been doing paintball, fixing guns has become a regular occurance at our house. Well Lincoln loves gun fixing night, and has claimed the largest paintball gun as his own, and insists on sleeping with it. His latest obsession is race cars! He loves pointing out race cars as we drive "OH! MOM! RACE CAR!" (as the red cavalier drives past!) and he loves buying race cars "IDEA! Go superstore, buy race car! YEA!" and he loves playing race cars! We are taking Linc to Cars 2 this summer for his first move at the theatre! Lincoln also loves playing soccer in the backyard. He places the ball about 8 feet from the net. Stands up, claps his hands. Kicks the ball into the net. Runs, and kicks it, while in the net, so it hits the back of the net. Throws is hands in the air, commences running while yelling "SCORE!" Ah, priceless!
The boys are awesome, and we are loving watching them grow!
Lincoln is doing really well with potty training (finally!). If we are home he is fully trained, even though he gets distracted when playing outside and still has troubles making the dash to the potty! His vocabulary is expanding all the time, forming full sentences! "What are you doing there, daddy?" He just said as he hopped onto the couch to check out what Stephen is playing on the iphone. He has a Dinosaur floor puzzle that he loves and can do all by himself. He doesn't really take interest in counting, or learning how to spell his name, but we still try and pound it into him! He recently has been introduced to 'bad guys' by his cousins ezra and francesca. So now he likes to find his nerf gun and 'kill the bad guys!" so cute. Since Stephen has been doing paintball, fixing guns has become a regular occurance at our house. Well Lincoln loves gun fixing night, and has claimed the largest paintball gun as his own, and insists on sleeping with it. His latest obsession is race cars! He loves pointing out race cars as we drive "OH! MOM! RACE CAR!" (as the red cavalier drives past!) and he loves buying race cars "IDEA! Go superstore, buy race car! YEA!" and he loves playing race cars! We are taking Linc to Cars 2 this summer for his first move at the theatre! Lincoln also loves playing soccer in the backyard. He places the ball about 8 feet from the net. Stands up, claps his hands. Kicks the ball into the net. Runs, and kicks it, while in the net, so it hits the back of the net. Throws is hands in the air, commences running while yelling "SCORE!" Ah, priceless!
The boys are awesome, and we are loving watching them grow!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Jack's First Birthday Party
We celebrated Jackson's first birthday with a party a few days before his actual birthday. We chose to do a smaller party with mostly family. Smaller as in 13 adults + 2 kids plus our family of four! It was such a great evening, even I was surprised at what a great time we had! While everyone was getting settled Jack + Gabby played on the floor. At one point gabby reached out and touched Jackson, which caused Jack to burst into tears! I guess he found her forwardness a little too much! We started with presents, in which Lincoln was so great at opening all the gifts for Jackson. Jack was far more interested in all the cards anyways, which really gave me a laugh. We did cake right after as a few guest needed to leave a little early. We set Jack up in his highchair and gathered everyone around. He smiled and smiled as we sang to him. We didn't really want him to dive into the amazing shark cake that Stephen and I had made for him so I gave him a cupcake to try. He didn't really eat very much of it and stayed super clean. Slightly disappointed but I will try again on his real birthday to get him into some cake! After that he just spent the evening playing with his various aunts, uncles, grandparents that came! It was a great evening, Jackson really enjoyed himself and we all had a good time!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Little doings...little today...gone tomorrow
having a two year old is almost always pure joy. the things that come out of his mouth are amazing. but, despite my wishing, he continues to grow. and as he grows his cute sayings and doings cease. at least they are followed by new ones.
here are some of my current favorites
"babe" - lincoln calls me this when I don't respond to mom. he has heard stephen and i call each other this countless times each day, so it is not surprising but still makes me crack a grin every time he pulls it out
"are you kidding me?" - this one he just says randomly - but it makes me laugh because i know he heard me say it in frustration to Stephen many, many times. his voice goes so high, and all the words run together. priceless
"mommy" or "daddy" mimicked with same no nonsense tone when I am about to put my foot down and say, "lincoln." a warning inside my tone. funny most of the time when he uses the same tone back at me, not so funny when he has done it several times a day.
"heh heh heh" linc has this super funny, devious laugh he does when he is playing with his dinosaurs and one them eats another.
Jacks does some cute things as well - when ever he sees our giant blue stuffed snake he goes "sssssssss".
here are some of my current favorites
"babe" - lincoln calls me this when I don't respond to mom. he has heard stephen and i call each other this countless times each day, so it is not surprising but still makes me crack a grin every time he pulls it out
"are you kidding me?" - this one he just says randomly - but it makes me laugh because i know he heard me say it in frustration to Stephen many, many times. his voice goes so high, and all the words run together. priceless
"mommy" or "daddy" mimicked with same no nonsense tone when I am about to put my foot down and say, "lincoln." a warning inside my tone. funny most of the time when he uses the same tone back at me, not so funny when he has done it several times a day.
"heh heh heh" linc has this super funny, devious laugh he does when he is playing with his dinosaurs and one them eats another.
Jacks does some cute things as well - when ever he sees our giant blue stuffed snake he goes "sssssssss".
Monday, March 7, 2011
i lub you mom
Today Lincoln said "I lub you mom" for the first time of his own free will. It was right after we had spent a good chunk of time in the bathroom while he sat on the potty after he first woke up. I read him books, got him juice, covered him a blanket because he was cold. He was successful and after great rejoicing between the 2 of us, we got him dressed for the day. "I lub you mom!", as he threw himself into my lap. It was an amazing moment, one I have been waiting for a long time.
I have been potty training Lincoln for the last 3 days. The first 2 days were only half days, but today was our first full day. He has been doing so great, and only had 2 accidents today. To goes to show that if you wait long enough they practically train themselves! :)
Jack is going to be 1 in 3 weeks. It is absolutely unbelievable too me. This year has flown by. I have stopped looking at him like my little baby and now see him as my almost one year old - and my how he was developed in the last few months! He is pretty much sleeping through the night (YEA!) and is getting better at communicating what he wants. I taught him the sign for 'more' just last week and he is already using it regularly. He loves to play with the music table - he sits and claps his hands and bounces to the songs. He is so patient + content - just follows us around the house, dragging his little body as he still refuses to crawl properly, even though he is completely capable.
I daily fight the tears as I realize my baby is turning 3 soon and my other baby is turning one. Life goes so quickly once kids enter the picture. It is bitter, bitter sweet.
I have been potty training Lincoln for the last 3 days. The first 2 days were only half days, but today was our first full day. He has been doing so great, and only had 2 accidents today. To goes to show that if you wait long enough they practically train themselves! :)
Jack is going to be 1 in 3 weeks. It is absolutely unbelievable too me. This year has flown by. I have stopped looking at him like my little baby and now see him as my almost one year old - and my how he was developed in the last few months! He is pretty much sleeping through the night (YEA!) and is getting better at communicating what he wants. I taught him the sign for 'more' just last week and he is already using it regularly. He loves to play with the music table - he sits and claps his hands and bounces to the songs. He is so patient + content - just follows us around the house, dragging his little body as he still refuses to crawl properly, even though he is completely capable.
I daily fight the tears as I realize my baby is turning 3 soon and my other baby is turning one. Life goes so quickly once kids enter the picture. It is bitter, bitter sweet.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Lincoln the sponge!
Ok, so I am certain I have said many a times that Lincoln's vocabulary is exploding, and once again it is. Now we are in the very fun and exciting phase where he can repeat words that you teach him! I mean yes, it has its down sides as he repeats any words he hears, good + bad. He is starting to use a lot more sentences. He just came to me and said, "Mom, Dad come home soon?" Which a month ago would have been "dad home?"
Lincoln's love of trains has increased as well! He constantly wants to play trains, setting up his little wooden track he got from G+G Dombowsky from IKEA. In the last 2 days he has begun to make his trains talk to each other, and asks me to play "thomas". So we sit on the floor using deep voices and have conversations with the trains. Its very sweet + boring at the same time. He can't hold much of a conversation. But its so cute when he answers everything as himself, ex: (me)"Hey engine, did you have a nap today?" (linc)"Yes" (me)"Hey Rheneas, what do you want to do tonight?" (linc)"See Daddy". Fun stage!
Lincoln continues to be a great big brother, most of the time. Whenever we are going out he always makes sure that Jack is coming up. He has also begun to call him "Jack" instead of brother. Which is bitter sweet for me. He gets rough + frustrated when Jackson crawls over to his track and tries to pull it apart. But we are working on it. The other day both boys got left in Lincoln's room alone for a few minutes. We soon heard Jackson screaming, and Stephen went in to find Lincoln pushing Jackson face into the carpet, with a smile on his face! Let's just say a longer than usual time out quickly followed!
Linc sleeping habits have been going through many phases. He continues to nap in various places, mostly inside his too small toy box. But he has also napped on top of his lego table, on the floor all over his room, and even attempted under the hamper, but that didn't last very long. He also has started sleeping with the blanket over his head. When he does this during his nap he wakes up looking like he just got out of the bath, as his hair is literally soaked.
His manners have begun to develop and it is so darling. After most meals he will say "thanks supper!" And at night when we are laying in his bed together winding down he will list several things through out the day that he enjoyed: "Thanks supper. Thanks car ride. Thanks choo choo".
We are so proud of the incredible little boy he is growing into!
Jackson Boy
Wow I can't believe Jackson is going to be 10 months in one short week! I better start planning a 1st birthday party to end all birthday parties! Here are some of the amazing things Jackson boy (what I affectionately call him) does at almost 10 months:
1.Wave bye - ok this is a big deal, and he just started doing it this last week. I don't remember Lincoln ever really doing it, so it excites me to no end when Jack so eagerly does it!
2. Still army crawls - yup thats right, still! He just does not want to get up on all fours. But you know, its working for him. He can get around like its no body's business. So if its not broke, why fix it?
3. Loves to climb - which delights Stephen to no end! Jackson is going to be our adventurous, probably end up giving me several heart aches, boy. This boy lives on our fireplace mantle, which is about 8 inches off the ground. Up and down all day. Over the bottom of the coffee table, over the legs of his high chair. Yup, this kid loves to climb!
4.Tells tall tales - oh my, Jackson is one animated talker! His little arms get flapping and he furrows that brow and on with the story! He was telling my grandparents a story the other day when they were over, and my grandmother is convinced he is going to be a preacher! Pentecostal for sure the way he was moving those hands!
5. Finally sleeping in his own crib in his own room! Jackson slept with us until earlier this month, so until he was nine months old. I enjoyed every minute of it, but felt that he was starting to wake up more than necessary simply because I was right beside him. So we started to transition him, and he did beautifully! By the second day I could lay him awake in his crib and he would fall asleep on his own for his nap. Nights have been a lot harder, but the last few he has been waking up only once to nurse, so I am thrilled. And very much enjoying having my bed back!
6. Still only 2 teeth. Each time Jack gets cranky or has a hard night I am convinced he is teething, and he could be, but alas no new teeth have popped through in 4 months!
7. Peek-a-boo - Jack is an awesome peek-a-boo player. He probably peeks at a 12 month level.
The richest women in the world
Mothering is the most challenging job that I have ever done. And it definitely has its fair share of hard, sometimes get the better of me days. And I have had a few of those this week alone. But as I lay beside my handsome 2 1/2 year old before nap time this afternoon, and he turns to me and says "close eyes" - poking each one as he does, my heart was over run with goodness, pride, love, affection. "I'm the richest women in the world," I thought to myself, as I secretly watched him through the cracks of my 'closed eyes' as put his arms behind his head as he lay on his back and settle in to nap.
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