Monday, March 31, 2008


This is an old blog I found on our computer. I think its pretty funny.

If you would have asked me 3 months ago if I would pick myspace or death, I would have picked death. I was always one to quickly dis myspace, its avid users and its impersonal way of communication. I vowed to never become a myspace sheep. But then I made my first fatal mistake. I started checking out my dear friends (Joanne) myspaces. It was like opening a treasure chest! You look at one persons list of friends, only to make the rich discover that you know 3 of their friends. You continue to click on each of them, only to find more people you know! Some are good friends, others I haven't thought of in years. Slowly the thought started to creep into my mind "maybe I should join myspace..." but then my better half, my stronger half would tell my self "NO CHER YOU MUST STAY STRONG...DO NOT LET THE POWERS OF MYSPACE WEAKEN YOU". And so our little dance continued...myspace wooing my heart, making me tingle, but my mind always stopping me before I did something I regret. Then I made fatal mistake number 2, I spoke that little voice out loud, while sitting beside my husband. Well to skip a bunch of boring crap, here I am... a user of myspace. It feels like death.*

*any and all opinions expressed in the previous blog are that of Cher, and not Stephen. Duh - we all know Stephen could not write anything that funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much I miss you already!!!! Hope you are nejoying your time off!! Love ya! Diane xoxo