One day while baking buns, I sat down in the living room to give my back a break while the dough rose. After a few minutes the dogs come into the living room and I notice Hercules had flour all over him. I was just about to yell at the dogs when I realized it was quiet and Linc was no where to be seen. A bad combination! So I go into the kitchen and sure enough, there is my mischievous little boy playing in the flour bag!

He also has been growing more and more interested in the dogs. He has enjoyed pretending he is a puppy by getting on all fours and drinking out of their water dish. He likes to crawl into their kennel, whether they are in there or not, and close the door. Somedays I notice the dogs seem very displaced, and sure enough lincoln has filled up their kennel with his toys! As well, he faithfully feeds the dogs. One. Kibble. At. A. Time. But when the dogs are hungry, they don't mind. We also have acquired my parents cat the last month. Lincoln loves Twister very much. Everyday he goes up on our bed and gives Twister many hugs and tries desperately to give the cat a kiss right on the lips! Twister has been great so far, but Lincoln can be rough and today received his first swipe from the cat!

Yesterday I set up the baby swing in our dining room in preparation for the baby. Lincoln was checking it out and pushing it back and forth. So I think to myself, "What an excellent opportunity to talk about the baby!" I grab one of Lincoln's stuffed animals and explain to him, "Lincoln, when the baby comes we have to hold it gently like this. And then we put it in the swing!" The whole time I'm thinking, "Man am I an awesome parent or what!" Lincoln walks up to the swing, exclaims, "NO!". Grabs the stuffed animal marches it over to the dog kennel and chucks it inside! It may be a bit of a rough road of transition for Linc!
Probably the best new 'trick' Lincoln does came about one day while we were watching Price is Right. It was the final show cases and the women, as usual, were covering their mouths in disbelief and followed be high pitch screams. I look over to my little toddler and sure enough he has his hands over his mouth, just like the ladies. And not to dissapoint he follows with a very girly high pitch scream! So now I say, "Lincoln what do the people on Prices is Right do?" I put my hands over my mouth, and he screams! Then he puts his hands over his mouth, and I scream! Its great!

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