I have been lazy with my recording of lifes little mile stones. It is especially hard with Lincoln, as his milestones are small but frequent. With Jackson, his milestones are huge, and easily noted. Sitting, teeth and crawling - such big accomplishments!While Lincolns are subtle to most people, but as his doting mother, I find each exciting! Here are a few that have happened over the last few months:
Lincoln always said "sure" instead of "yes". Lincoln, do you want to go outside? Sure! Lincoln, should we get dressed? "Sure!" Lincoln, would you like to go swimming on the moon? "Sure!" It was precious, and I loved it. I knew it would not be too long before his sures would become yeses, so I savored each one. And sure enough one day I noticed Lincoln replied "yes" a few times during the day. Then One day, I realized it had been a few days since he had said "sure". So I looked at my little boy and said "Lincoln, when Mommy asks you a question, I want to you say "sure". OK? No more "yes" just say "sure"". Little blue eyes look up at am, "Sure!". It didn't last for too long, and his "sure" is extinct but it lives in my memory.
Lincoln continues to add more complex words almost everyday to his vocabulary. Grandma, Cameron, Lincoln, Thomas, truck, are all of the latest additions. Some of our least favorable new words are "dang it" and "suck" (thanks to Uncle Luke!)
Lincoln recently spent 2 weeks getting to know his cousins. It has been over a year since we have seen them, so it was interesting to watch the 3 older ones interact. Ezra is 4, Linc 2 1/2 and Francesca 2. Lincoln is just at an age where is he is learning to play with other children, and sharing is a new concept. Well it was a forced lesson, but Linc did really well. There were definitely melt downs and battles everyday, but overall he enjoyed his time with the cousins. Even though whenever we mentioned going out to the farm he would say "No kids! No kids!"
Recently while in Winnipeg for Christmas Lincoln started to call my mom 'Grandma', and my dad taught Lincoln not to call him Grandpa, but to call him 'John'. Surprisingly Lincoln took to it and whenever I say "Lincoln, did you have fun at Grandma & Grandpas?" He says, "JOhn. Grandma & John."
Unfortunately Lincoln still has not said "I love you". I told Stephen that was what I wanted for Christmas. It didn't happen, but my Matt & Nat bag did help ease the pain a little.
Potty Training has yet to be attempted. Which is 100% because I am scared to even try as I have no idea what to do and the idea of him peeing all over my carpet, or him being out and about and it being -30 and him wetting himself just does not sound like fun to me!
Lincoln still loves trains & plains the most. In fact we were at Chapters about 2 weeks ago. Just ran in to grab a book and a coffee, didn't have time to stop and play with the train set in the childrens section. Didn't even think Lincoln would realize where we were since we had only played there 2 times before. Well meltdown level 5 ensued when we left. So we after dragging him out of there we promised we would return to play trains before we left the city. Well a 2 year old never forgets. After each stop, "Choo-Choo?" "No, bud not yet! But soon!" Finally at the end of our errands we take the right turn into Chapters "YES! CHOO CHOO" Followed by the double fist pump in the air is what we heard from the back seat. He is so smart!